Sunday, January 25, 2015

Real World Skeletons: interview w/ Bruno Bettencourt

Recently, I did an interview with Bruno Bettencourt from Real World Skeletons! He talked Sylvia, Tony's ex, Madison, Nicole & Jason's argument & more! 

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First Question I asked, (Just like I did Sylvia's) - Who was the first person/people you clique with as soon as you moved in the house? 
Bruno: I clicked with everyone basically but, mostly it was Nicole and Jason hands down.

Did anybody annoy you on the first night? 
Bruno: Umm Madison a little. (Then he switched & said Violetta) "I was just trying to have a good time & Madison was too hard to understand.

How did you feel when Violetta argued with Jason & then Tony later?
Bruno: I just think there wasn't a need for both of the arguments & it and it annoyed me. I just think there was more going on than what was shown

Did you have "more then a friend" feelings for Sylvia? 
Bruno: Oh Ofcourse I did! Her smile crushed me but it was more of an attraction thing idk I got caught up. 

Do you think Sylvia was jealous of the girls you brought home because you both had feelings for one another?
Bruno: I really didn't see the jealousy up until I brought Carla back home. 

Did you & the others have at least like a feeling of your past moving in the house? due to Real world - ExPlosion?
Bruno: Not really. We thought of it but had no idea what was yet to come! 

Do you think MTV upgraded the twists this season then last season? 
Bruno: Yea no doubt! 

We're you really shocked when Jason & Nicole started arguing?
Bruno: Yeah big time because Out of everyone, I never expected them to fight. 

*Now who is/was in the wolfpack clique? 💪*
Bruno: It was originally Jason, Nicole & I! Tony was part time lol!

When Alicia moved in, Did you believe anything Alicia was saying about Sylvia? Or did you think she was lying?
Bruno: I didn't believe anyone! I don't trust/believe people that much until they truly prove themselves. 

Do you think that Jason has a arguing problem with females? I personally don't think it but I wanna hear your perspective on it. 
Bruno: I don't know because I mean it may seem like that. It's easy to get annoyed with the women in the household, trust me! 

Was there any girl in the house who annoyed you half the time? (Not the skeletons), the main girls. 
Bruno: Madison at first cause I just couldn't make sense of her. Then Sylvia and her attitudes. That's all. But they weren't to bad. The most annoying thing is when you're not drunk and everyone's acting like animals constantly. 

Was the Madison issue due to her dozing off & excluding herself from the group? 
Bruno: There was more to it. Madison was just very hard to understand. 

Can you explain the Madison issue more or will it play out in the upcoming episodes?
Bruno: It will play out during the next few episodes. Just keep on watching. 

These last questions have to do with episode 6. So the episode started off with Tony's ex moving in. What were your thoughts by that point?
Bruno - My thoughts were like "Oh shit!!" Poor Tony! But I was already prepared for the shit show. 

Do you blame Sylvia for being pissed at Elizabeth & going crazy on her? Or did you understand where she was coming from?
Bruno: Hell no! I flipped too but kept more of my cool cause she is a female so I was like fuck it but I took such offense to her calling us fake. 

Was everyone pissed at the comment she made? Because It made it look like only you, Jason, & Sylvia were angry. & tony lol, but was everybody angry?
Bruno: Pretty much everybody was! 

Did you like Alyssa more then Princess? like did you like Alyssa's vibe more?
Bruno: I loved Alyssa and still talk to her. She was/is straight forward like myself and striahjt to the point she's positive and all about fun. 

Do you have an opinion about the Tony & Madison Situation? 
Bruno: Ehh not really my business. Tony is my boy & I wanted him to be happy. To each their own as I say. 

I think that is all for Episode 6! Is there anything you can tell me about episode 7? About the Madison & Violetta Brawl? 
Bruno: I'm not even sure to tell you the truth. I go by memory and I'll let you know if it does.

Well everybody! This finishes up our first interview! I will be doing a Round 2 for an interview with Bruno & Bruno's brother but separately! 


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