Tuesday, August 4, 2015

RHONY: (Season 7), Episode 18 RECAP: "Rumble On The Runway"

We start off this weeks episode of 'The Real Housewives Of New York City' with Carole, who has invited Heather out for drinks and chit chat. Carole says that the London trip was great, especially because Dorinda and her bonded a lot, which she would have never expected weeks prior. Carole tells Heather that Anthony's urn felt like a bomb when she held it, but it wasn't a big deal because Dorinda brought an extra luggage for her to put the Urn in. Carole is now more calm and happier, now that she has Anthony's urn in her apartment, like its apart of her that's back in her life. The conversation switches to Bethenny's party, which everyone looked fabulous in, but Ramona's attitude was some adventure and Heather and Carole come to the assumption that Ramona needs to get laid.... very soon.

Bethenny is headed to Sonja's business office where her brands are launched, and she comes in, with a mouthful of apple, and she's the first one to arrive. Heather is supposed to come, but she's late. Sonja is casting models for her New York fashion show (line) that's coming up soon but it's not Bethenny's style. Heather arrives, and Sonja starts talking business. Instead of showing bits and pieces of the models' outfits, she wants to "wow" the people at the fashion show. Sonja says that wants some traditional and classic type of models. The first model comes out, and Sonja insults her size and shape, irritating Bethenny and Heather to the fullest. Heather says that Sonja is being rude to the models and doesn't understand either what she's trying to brand. The next model comes out, and Sonja gets offended at Heather's "you're being rude to the models comment" and Heather gets fed up, and threatens to leave. 

Commercial break is over, and the catty argument among Heather and Sonja, and Sonja doesn't understand that Heather is trying to help her... not offend her. Heather and Bethenny start questioning Sonja's branding people about buisness, and they both get indirect responses. 

Ramona meets up with Dorinda, for some chatter. Ramona explains that she just had a dumb moment, but hopping in a car that wasn't hers. Dorinda thinks it's typical Ramona behavior. Ramona then shares that recently she had made connections with a guy, at a certain restaurant she went to, and he winded up treating her for dinner... it turned out to be the owner! Ramona says she is excited for her divorce to be finalized so she can date whoever she wants fully, and Dorinda shares her experience with Carole in London, how they bonded, and how she was so calm and amazing, without her sidekick Heather by her side. Dorinda begins talking more about Richard's death, and how she felt after he died, and Ramona begins to discuss her past life with Mario, and how she's ready to get her divorce finalized and she will remove a huge weight off her shoulders. Dorinda and Ramona then start flirting with their waiter... typical! 

We catch up with Kristen, who is excited for her launch of her Pop Of Color brand, and how her friend Ellie got her into fashion week! Woohoo! Carole and Heather are by her side, and sadly, Carole's nail polish names didn't make the cut for Kristen. The ladies begin discussing Sonja and her fashion show that she's participating in, and they begin making fun on how long Sonja spent working on the show, and all the attention she's going to receive. #JealousMuch? 

We're back with Sonja and she's getting ready for her fashion line debut, but she's getting stressed out because everything isn't planned out fully yet. Carole, Heather and Kristen arrive on the scene, and Kristen notices her nail polish on the models. Sonja continues getting her work on, but is intensely getting angry at her interns for not being on track. The rest of the ladies arrive, and are wishing Sonja the best of luck on her collection debut, even Carole, Heather and Kristen, who were making fun of her earlier. Bethenny notices Sonja's boob is coming out, and that she needs to it up. Bethenny then realizes her and Ramona have the similar dress... the odds seem pretty good, because Ramona has stole a dress or two from her. Ramona lets the ladies know that she's having a "new beginnings" party, which Bethenny just doesn't get the concept. Ramona says her "new beginning" life has been going on for a while, and Bethenny concludes that Ramona's party should be called: "old habits". Haha! The ladies take their seats, ready for the show, while Sonja anxiously is getting more heated then before by the lack of items on some of the models. 

Sonja continues her rage... but this time, she's getting loud at the guy who was in charge of the models, making sure they're on the right track. The guy has no idea what he's getting yelled at for, but he stands up for himself, questioning why she has a snarky attitude at him. "THIS IS NOT F*CKING HAPPENING" were part of her snarky words to him. 

Sonja's fashion show debuts with #TeamModels (Part 1) and the ladies love Sonja's taste... but the problem is, Sonja hasn't made her debut on the runway yet, because she's on a fast rampage. 

Bethenny decides to confront Ramona 
about comments she made toward her marriage, saying that she cheated on Jason, and the instigator of all this is Heather. Heather told Bethenny that on the night of the "cock block" in the infamous Turks and Caicos, Bethenny made some remarks about Ramona's hoggish ways and Heather ratted out Ramona, saying that she talks bad about Bethenny all the time. Ramona denies saying the allegation, and begins acting as the victim: "I'm not perfect! Slit my wrist! Okay? Crucify me!" Bethenny isn't playing that game, and tells Ramona to stop making comments behind people's back, and she wouldn't get confronted. Bethenny denies cheating on Jason also. Ramona admits that Heather asked her questions about Bethenny's marriage, and Bethenny squeals that she has dirt on Ramona, but won't bring it out to people, out of friendship and respect. Bethenny brings up the dress stealing incident, and says Ramona's "new beginnings" party is bullshit, and Ramona says that Bethenny's assistant gave her the dress, which seems to be a lie, according to Bethenny. Ramona says that her new beginnings party is about a new life, and Bethenny again calls 'bullshit'. The ladies start arguing back and forth, and clearly Ramona wants this petty argument to boil over, but Bethenny want to rehash what's on her chest. 

HALLELUJAH! Ramona and Bethenny's argument  boiled over, and the second part of the show begins.... and Sonja walks out on the runway, looking fabulous as ever, and gets cheered on by everyone! She did it! Woohoo to you, Sonja

Season Finale is next week everyone! One more week of cattiness... and I'm loving it actually. 

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