
Thursday, July 9, 2015

RHONY Season 7-Reunion Tea (Part 2): Andy Cohen Dishes On Best Reunion Look, Best One-Liners, Shocking Moments and More!


The Ladies of 'The Real Housewives of New York City' have just wrapped up their epic reunion on July 7th, and As they were still taping, I posted some Reunion Tea: (Some Reunion Outfits, Reunion Seating etc...) and Now, I am back! Ready to spill some more tea on the Season 7 Reunion, while you guys sip! 

Andy Cohen recently spoke out about the Reunion, on and here are the Tea he spilled: 

                 Creds: BravoTV

1) Anything about this reunion that surprised you?

Andy CohenYes, Ramona is known for being he first housewife to walk off a reunion, she was the first to dictate the room temperature at a reunion. She has shut me down and shut me up — but she did something during this one that I have never seen before.

2) Who was the most surprising during the day? 

Luann was guns blazing and I have never seen her so fired up.

3) Who was the toughest to get through to? 

I think the surprising thing is that almost everyone got through to whom they were speaking.

4) Who seemed the most nervous?

It was Dorinda's first reunion, so I think she was.

5) What was the most divisive topic of the day? 

Luann vs. Carole and Heather about  LuAnn's song: GirlCode! 

6) Who was the Best Dressed? 

Andy commented, and said: Carole...

7) Who had the best One-Liners?

Andy said: Bethenny, for sure! 

8) Did anyone go on and blame editing for certaint situations that happened on Season 7? 

Andy said yes, but didn't give a name, and claimed that ALL OF THE LADIES JUMPED ON THE 'ONE' LADY FOR THAT! 

9) Any Housewives' Walkoffs

Andy said: No, but that doesn't mean that they were all seated.... OOOO! 

10) Any times you had to shut the ladies up from interrupting each-other? 

Andy, commented and said Yes... ABOUT 12 TIMES!!! Holy! 

After the reunion taping, All of the ladies got together, for a Post-Reunion meal, As well as Ramona's Instagram pic w/ Bethenny, claiming that they both cried, laughed, and survived! Woohoo ladies! Check out the photos: 

Also, Carole posted a photo on Instagram, captioning, hinting that she MAYBE slapped someone! Jokingly or Reality?! Hmmmm..... 

'The Real Housewives Of New York City' Season 7 Reunion is rumored to be a 3-Parter again..... And rumored to air in August! Not confirmed! This reunion is said to be shocker! Can't wait! 

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