
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

RHONY: (Season 7), Episode 9 RECAP: Meltdowns & Showdowns in the Berkshires!

It's finally came that time for another RHONY Recap! The episode title should be labeled: "Breakdowns, Meltdowns, & Showdowns in the BITCHshires" Oh... Excuse me! I mean Berkshires

The episode begun with Ramona & Luann arriving at Dorinda's house in Berkshires! It was shocking how they rode in the car together after that epic Petrossian dinner! Ramona brings her famous drink: Ramona Pinot, which I think they'll need! Dorinda tells the ladies how her father never had faith in her about owning a Berkshires house, but she proved him wrong. Heather, Carole & Kristen arrive & Dorinda begins to show them the house. It was HUGE! Even Kristen said, The house didn't stop going! It was room, after room, after room, after room, after room, after room, after room, after room! 

Ramona pulls Kristen & Carole aside to ask them if bringing a man that she knows anywhere, is that considered a date? Kristen & Carole both said "Yes" but then if he's your friend, then no. Ramona & Carole start coming up with nicknames for Dorinda's house & they come up with "BLUESTONE". It was really Carole's idea but Ramona stole it. Carole says Bluestone because of Dorinda's eyes are blue, as well as her Blue Walls color & Stones on her patio. As Carole starts to walk up the stairs, Crazy Ramona yells up the stairs: "BLUESTONEEEE" & attempts to pull lightweight Carole's shirt down the stairs all in fun.  

In another room, Ramona then confides in Kristen about the intense Petrorissan dinner. She spills the beans on how Luann even talked bad about John's touchy feely ways but she didn't want to own up to it, & instead she called out Ramona for making Dorinda cry. Kristen says that she even felt uncomfortable with John touching her in front of her husband at the bar that everyone was invited to for drinks. As soon as Dorinda's name comes up the 3rd time, Dorinda walks in the room. Immediately off the bat, Kristen lets Dorinda know how she feels about John. That sets Dorinda off! Dorinda says how Kristen wasn't making it an issue that night & this is something new to her. Kristen suddenly becomes dumb like she doesn't know what she means. Dorinda tells her: Do not play coquettish with me, & "You made me look like an ass, don't do that shit!" Basically saying how Kristen made herself look by flirting w/ someone else's man but Dorinda also blames John for sparking it. Heather walks in & begins to diffuse the argument. All 4 ladies sit on the same large sofa & Dorinda becomes emotional when talking about her Ex-husband. She says how she misses him & her life has been shitty ever since his death. She also says how everyone see the creepy side of John, not the fun & emotional side of him. Ramona says that she's willing to give him another chance when he comes to her Birthday soon, which makes Dorinda feel happy. Kristen says that her & Dorinda's little issue is a major misunderstanding. 

Heather, Luann, & Dorinda head out to a resturant: Red Lion inn, & the remaining ladies (Ramona, Carole, & Kristen) made them there as well. Ramona admits how she loves the Berkshires now, giving to everything that happened last year with her meltdown in the woods. The conversation turns to Bethenny & how she's MIA in the group all the time. The ladies say that Bethenny needs to start blending with the ladies, & Ramona says that Bethenny has always been by herself & never a woman's women. Bravo also shows a throwback of when the two of them were arguing while walking & Ramona went at her crazy (Season 2 2009 I believe). Luann believes that Bethenny has an issue with trusting people because her parents had betrayed her, which Heather thinks is a crock of s--t! The conversation lingeres on & Heather continues to bash Bethenny in her confessional on how everyone is scared of Bethenny & always cuts her slack. Heather then makes a stupid remark & says that she compares losing her nanny to Bethenny's childhood. Luann doesn't like that comment! Ramona says how everyone has something negative going on in their life & deal with it differently. Ramona ends the night w/ making a sexy toast to Dorinda's birthday. 

The next morning, Queen Sonja arrives in the Medley residence & she is greeted with nothing but (shady) love! Ramona, Carole & Heather start taking selfies & then finally notice how they're all matching furs! The ladies decide to go out shopping & explore the Berkshires town. As Sonja & Carole begin to play with sexually toys, Ramona pulls LuAnn aside about the Petroressian Dinner. Ramona says that she wants to know why Luann would bring the John situation up at the dinner table. Luann says it just came out of her. Ramona tells her she was wrong & Luann agrees, which is a huge shock to Ramona

As Dorinda's party comes to a opening, Everyone begins to get ready for the evening. All the husbands begin to arrive & Ms. Sonja is getting her sexiness on! She's showing John how she works it & Dorinda didn't look so dandy about it. As everyone is in the midst of doing their own thing for a minute, Queen Bethenny arrives in the Berkshires! She gets a smile/cheer from Ramona, but a snarky look from Heather! Everyone then begins to lighten up to Bethenny, & Luann thinks her advice got through to her about their talk. 

Carole & Luann are searching up things on Google Images & they come across a certaint article about: Ramona's Friend Peter was dating Mario's Alleged Mistress! As soon as they come across it, They spill the tea to Heather! Heather's words become: W....T.....F? & they decide not to tell Ramona

Dorinda's party is here & everyone begins digging into the food & start chit chatting. Heather trying to be the nice girl that she is, tries to come to Bethenny's aid & asks her if she wants food. Bethenny abruptly says "No, I'm fine". Bethenny & Heather start to create lingering tension for themselves by having side conversations with the people next to them. All of a sudden, the Peter/ Mario's mistress rumors come out! Peter says that it's fake & the article actually left all the good things out about him. While Sonja & Bethenny are having a conversation, Heather rudely tries getting them to stop but Bethenny was NOT having it. She says in her confessional how Heather is trying to take her temperature about everything & doesn't let her breathe. Bethenny says how Heather is being some tending to her & they barely know each-other. The two finally battle it out in a war of words &  when Heather tries to walk to Bethenny to get her away from the table to talk away from the table, Bethenny starts to cry & says she doesn't want to go anywhere. Heather sits down in a huff & says "fine, fine" & gets a little teary! 

The Berkshires battle continues.... next Tuesday! Get ready for Part 2 of the Berkshire Battle! Tune in! Don't forget! 

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