
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

RHONY: (Season 7), Episode 12 Recap: 'The Ladies arrive in the Turks and Cacios + Sonja battles it out with Bethenny!

HOLLA! It's finally the episode where these 8 ladies go to the Turks & Cacios and they don't forget to bring the drama w/ them! Oh.... I mean The Real Housewives Of New York City ladies! So, We are still at Luann's launch party for her sportswear line and the episode continued from last week with Kristen walking away in an uproar after getting called "dumb" by Royal Queen Ramona. Then, Heather & Dorinda say that they're happy that Ramona can make it but LuAnn sits Ramona down and Dorinda begins to says that Ramona was very harsh and cruel to Kristen and it wasn't cool. Ramona admits that her delivery can be mean but she didn't think she was mean at that particular time and Heather disagrees. LuAnn then tells the ladies to come downstairs for the rest of the party, because she wants the ladies to check out everything her line has to offer! 

Downstairs, we get a glimpse at everybody chit chatting and drinking and wow.... Luann knows how to throw a good sportswear line event! So then we see the lovely Sonja posing and showing off on the Red Carpet and she looks sexy doing it! Sonja missed the pre-event upstairs & Luann seems annoyed that she's hogging the red carpet! The party continues and we get another glimpse at all the dresses and the other luxurious clothing items and we see Heather & Kristen complimenting Luann, while looking at her spread that's lieing on one of the tables! Sonja then lets Ramona know that she has been getting side-eyes from a guy and Ramona thinks she says "sideline" LOL! Dorinda then asks Kristen & Heather if they're packed for the trip and Heather says she's mentally packed but Kristen is physically packed! At the bar, Ramona gets a Pinot' gregio, while Sonja decides to get a Diet Coke! Never seen that before! Sober Sonja is in full action tonight boy! Then, Some random African-American guy comes up behind Sonja and begins to flirt with her, which Ramona tries to stop immediately! Cock Blocker RAMONA! Sonja says that he must like her for her butt-look! 

Kristen, Heather & Dorinda sit down and Kristen wants to know what was said when she uproarely walked away. Heather basically says that they told Ramona that she was being harsh and cruel and Kristen gives that stink lip face. Dorinda says that Ramona's intentions are good, but they come out fuck-d up, which is the truth! 

Meanwhile, Bethenny arrives on the scene and quickly makes her toward Kristen & Sonja. Not even 10 seconds of walking in, Kristen goes in for the kill again! She makes a dig about if she attacked her about the trip dates and Bethenny says in her confessional that she's walking it to a shit show and that Kristen was ready straight out of the gate for an ambush! Bethenny says that she didn't feel attacked by Kristen at the photoshoot but Kristen has that stank face on a lot like she's coming for her, which Kristen, comments in her confessional and says that the only reason she does that 'face' is because she gets tempted into doing it by Bethenny's actions. Bethenny & Kristen start talking and Sonja get pushed away from Bethenny because they need to have a serious one-on-one chat. Kristen says that she felt very attacked by Bethenny about the Pop Of Colors Trademark, which was all an accusation about Bethenny calling Kristen dumb for stealing it, which came from Carole, who is nowhere to be found at this point. Kristen also says how she thought Bethenny would give her some good Buisness advice but instead, she felt knocked down. Bethenny says that she's not going to really ingage in conversation about Buisness with a woman she just met! It's not happening! Bethenny starts saying how Kristen came in really fired-up at the AOA party, and then Kristen should've confronted her then and there about the accusation that Carole said, which Kristen did and Bethenny rejected her. Bethenny says she rejected her because of the way it was brought to her attention! Kristen then says how she's dammed if she did and dammed if she don't in her confessional, which then Sonja tells Dorinda about her awkward exchange with Bethenny, who had been kicked out of their conversation. Meanwhile, Bethenny asks Kristen about what really Carole said and Kristen says it was about being dumb for have a "Pop Of Color" line, when there's a POP beauty line. Bethenny says that she said it, in a opinionitive way, not to hurt her feelings. Bethenny & Kristen finally squash the little beef and agree to go have a drink. 

Sonja is sitting next to Dorinda and basically starts be-littling Luann's party, saying how it isn't a party and she would know because she's an event planner! Although, Sonja does say she likes the designs on the dresses and other items hanging from a rack in the air. She then starts be-littling the production of the party and how the wires are all messed up and then Sonja sights eyes on a dress she really loves, which her Swamy Priest;  Robin walks up and says it's not  to really for her. Dorinda says she doesn't understand a "swamy" priest and then Sonja & Dorinda both confront Kristen about what Robin said, and Kristen looks shocked because Luann's dresses are always fashionable! Kristen then says that she sights eyes that when everyone heads to the Turks & Caicos, it's going to be drama so everybody should bring their life-Jackets!

The ladies finally arrive at the airport and they all ride on the plane together! Bethenny says that she's excited to get out of NYC for a bit and enjoy the Turks & Caicos and so does Carole, who is planning on recording the entire trip for fun memories! Meanwhile, the ladies arrive at the house and the House is beautiful! I would call it: The 2.0 version of the White House mixed with the RHONJ's houses, such as Melissa Gorga's and Teresa Giudice's

The ladies start chit chatting while Luann notices that they have to pick rooms but Sonja starts running in, picking a room first! Not even in 4 seconds, all the rooms are taken! Bethenny starts shading Ramona & Sonja in her confessionals that she doesn't understand why they're rushing for rooms! Dorinda says that it's 2 year old childish actions that're brought upon Sonja, Bethenny & Ramona! OVER ROOMS! Bethenny asks Ramona what room she's taking, And Ramona responds: "The downstairs master one with Sonja, which Sonja said that they're having an upstairs bed! Bethenny starts getting annoyed on Ramona's bitchiness attitude about the room. Carole says she's not surprised that Ramona wants to run everything and it's normal for her because  everytime they went out on a trip, Ramona got upset if it didn't go her way. Bethenny, all hot and bothered says that she needs a cocktail, which Luann approaches Dorinda about sharing a room together and Dorinda says that this room situation is bugging her. Sonja & Ramona have NO idea which room they're going in, which Bethenny starts getting REALLY heated over! Heather says that Ramona is all out looking for a bed while Sonja has her options dedicated to one bed, which Ramona isn't on the same page with! Ramona yells for Sonja, as Sonja walks up the stairs and gets video recorded by Carole, who says that Sonja's room options are already chosen. Sonja says that Ramona is just like her with the "having to have the best room of all"! Bethenny says that it's ridiculous that adults are arguing over beds, and Luann offers Bethenny to go and join her room. Carole finally admits that ALL THE BEDS ARE THE SAME and there's no reason for this much tension for a room! Sonja & Ramona finally pick a room, and say they love it due to the view and food next store. Meanwhile, Kristen & Dorinda get all happy because they share a bathroom together! Sonja then says that she getting annoyed that her room doesn't have a bathtub, which then Sonja asks Bethenny if she can use hers, despite the fact that Ramona ticked Bethenny off, and that Bethenny is sharing a room with Carole & Heather. Sonja continues to complain, which then Bethenny says that the reason they don't have everything that is supposed to be there, is because God punished that for being spoiled brats! Bethenny says it's not the content of how she did it, it's the delivery which is horrible. Ramona then says that "Everybody knows....." and then Bethenny cuts her off and asks Ramona: "Everybody knows what?! That you're the 'lord of the manor', which then Ramona says that everyone knows that Her & Sonja always share rooms, and they should accept the fact, which Bethenny continues to shade Ramona in her confessional, calling her Benjamin Button, because she's going to wrong way, the opposite from acting as an adult because she's acting like she's 7! Oh lord! Luann then says that Bethenny had probably forgotten how bad Ramona is on vacations, given the fact that Bethenny has been off the show for a few years until now. Heather then says that the room situation could've been handled like adults but it never pans out that way! Dorinda, Bethenny, Luann & Carole begin to joke and laugh about how their rooms are on top of each-other. 

Ramona is getting ready to go into the pool but it's an issue because she has so many pairs of shoes, while Kristen is already in the ocean, Bethenny & Luann says that they'll go in the pool, once Bethenny is prepared, and Sonja is getting ready as well! Bethenny says that she was shocked about how Ramona & mainly Sonja acted, which LuAnn says it's normal for her but crazy how they act! Bethenny says that when she went on vaca with Ramona before, which Luann didn't get to go to, Ramona was so rude to the waiter about him not getting her Pinot' Gregio! Meanwhile, Sonja & Ramona get finalized for the pool, saying that everyone is staying in so she'll wear something cute! Luann & Bethenny start talking about the Ramona-coaster that Luann has witnessed many times more then Bethenny has and as they start to get in deep, Ramona comes out with a yellow pool suit and high-heels AND gets her towel stuck in the sliding door as she's coming outside and Luann &'Bethenny start cracking up! Ramona then surprisingly apologizes for her mean behavior towards Bethenny! Luann wants an apology for being ran over like a mouse and Ramona shades her and says: "Oh you don't matter in this" HAHA! I died! So then, Bethenny says they if Ramona was a super-hero, she would be the 'apologizer! Luann then convinces Bethenny into saying that she accepts the apology and that if they switch rooms, it will show how sorry Ramona is for being mean earlier, which then Ramona ignores as she's talking to the manager of the house: Their little care-person. Ramona hops in the pool alone, while LuAnn, & Bethenny go paddle-boarding, which seems & looks super fun! Sonja joins Ramona in the pool but Ramona then gets out, and is forced to squats in her yellow-egged up bikini by Bethenny & Luann! Ramona starts doing squats, with the laughter of Bethenny, while the other ladies come out and sit near the pool and talk! Luann then says how she wants to make a cheers to Dorinda being 50, which at the time of filming season 7, was a month before heading to the Turks and Cacios and Ramona looks confused on why. Luann says she doesn't care and she just wants to do it again, which then Dorinda admits that she's never been away with 8 woman & fierce personalities! 

Sonja & Ramona go inside and begin to get dressed for their fabulous dinner they have ahead. The other ladies are always dressed, except Luann, which says getting ready will only take her 30 minutes. They also are staying inside for the night, so they won't be missing anything special, besides a dinner. Meanwhile, Sonja asks Ramona why she's so down and Ramona tells Sonja that she's so irritated because the last night time she went on vacation w/ Bethenny, Mario was around and thru both went to renew their vows in front of everyone! Sonja says that Ramona keeps a happy face on, whether the issue she's going through is good or bad and Ramona says that she's trying to smile strong throughout the hurt! 

Heather announces that she's brought goodies for the ladies (clothes) and it seems like it's Christmas on this trip! She gave every single woman a cute pair or clothes! Carole is still recording with the camera, while Bethenny says that she's not feeling Heather's style because it's a sunny vacation and it's hard to break into jeans and a shirt. Ramona & Sonja come downstairs, and are immediately confronted by Carole with the camera...... For the third time! Ramona says that she's wearing a Michael Kors outfit for the line and Carole says that Sonja & Ramona look like they're ready to get out on the scene, all the while they're only going outside!! Sonja then brings up the topic of sex and wanting to get some action, which annoys Ramona because she feels as if every conversation they have, is brought upon one thing!:'SEX! Sonja says that the reason Ramona is "hating" on Sonja's plan to get men, is because Ramona is lonely! Uh oh! Here we go! Ramona fires back and says that all Sonja cares about is sleeping up with every guy she sees, which shocks Kristen, who walks up behind Ramona. Sonja says she flirts with every guy, not sleeps with every guy, which then Carole says the conversation should drop! Kristen says how dating is more romantic then sex, which Ramona finally knows that someone knows where she's coming from and she hugs Kristen. Sonja says that Ramona is dating people that she doesn't like, and people that Sonja doesn't even like herself! Carole tries to diffuse the situation but Ramona & Sonja continue to go head to head! Sonja says again that Ramona dates guys she doesn't like, which then Kristen tells her that that's not true and Ramona is blown away on how great Kristen is being, with her agreeing attitude and being the great voice of reason! Sonja then says that she doesn't hook up with any random guy or date guys she doesn't like, exactly like Ramona allegedly does, which then Kristen begs to differ! Kristen says that the week prior to the trip, Sonja had been trying to make out with Luann's Boyfriend's Friend, which didn't turn out some well! I wish Bravo would've caughted it on camera! Ramona agrees and then a unseen flashback from last week when Luann's friend Yveline says that Sonja was all over her man and EVEN TRIED TO KISS, which makes Ramona jump out of shocking! Sonja says that she likes to flirt and Ramona says: Yeah, you've been really putting your lips over anyone", which makes Sonja admit that she's wild when she drinks but then she blames Ramona for fabricating a story! Carole tries to diffuse the situation once again and Sonja says that the other ladies aren't doctors, they're supposed to be her girlfriends that don't judge her for flirting out of fun-ness! 

Sonja then tries to confide in Bethenny about the ladies judging her, while the other ladies go outside to eat dinner. Bethenny says that it may not be right that they judge her but Sonja needs to learn and listen to her, but Sonja wasn't getting it! Bethenny says that Sonja should go and cry and breakdown on the floor if she feels that way but she says that Sonja also drinks a lot which makes depression or whatever she's battling, more stressful! Sonja says that she's not a bad drinker but she needs to time to get out and enjoy air but Bethenny says that Sonja needs to just listen and shut up! Bethenny says that she didn't come into the world being dumb and that she knows the issue Sonja is suffering, which Sonja takes offense to! Sonja accuses Bethenny of belittling her about being dumb and Bethenny is fed up at this point! Sonja says that she was also brought into this world smart, which Bethenny shades her & says "How"?, which then leads Sonja to say that's holding on to everything she has and that God basically put her on this earth to stay strong. Sonja then ticks Bethenny off about how she brings up the other ladies judging her and Bethenny loses it! Bethenny tells Sonja that she needs to listen to some outside advice and then she tells her (screaming: SHUT THE FUCK UP!, which annoys Luann & Ramona because they're listening because the sliding door is open! Luann says that she's going to get Bethenny & Sonja outside because they're missing dinner but when Luann tries to interject to their talk, Bethenny tells her to leave, which offends Luann. Bethenny says that she's not trying to argue with Luann and that they'll be out for dinner in 10 minutes because they need to have more talking time! All the ladies then agree that Sonja doesn't listen to shit and needs some tough love from the group. Ramona finally has had enough and walks inside, tries to get both: Sonja & Bethenny to make up and come outside for dinner because she's getting anxiety and Bethenny tells her to "shut the the fuck up" and "close the door". Ramona tells the other ladies what Bethenny had said, and Kristen doesn't seem surprised by Bethenny's behavior and rude comments! As Ramona goes to sit, Carole notices a bug crawling in her vagina! Which makes all the girls freak out! Especially Ramona! Meanwhile, Bethenny & Sonja start talking some sense into each-other and start calm talking, which finally leads to both of them hugging and coming out to join dinner! The ladies' food comes and the food is Orgasmic, according to Dorinda! The ladies start to ask if Bethenny got through to Sonja, Bethenny says Yes and then the ladies happily cheers! Sonja joins the group and Luann wants to talk about sex! Bethenny asks her about when's the last time she had great freaky sex and Luann admits it was 2 days ago, which Bethenny knew all along! HAHA! Heather starts interrupting Luann's sexual encounter talk and Bethenny tells her to shut her mouth! Luann then says even though she likes sex, she doesn't need a man, which then leads to Sonja thinking Luann is dating a Girl! Luann tells Sonja to shut the fuck up, in a fun way and all the ladies end the night on a good, positive note! 

Until next week! The Turks & Cacios trip is back for round 2 and everyone is against Sonja Morgan

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