
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

RHONY: (100th Episode Special) Episode 13 Recap: "Sonja Island" (Season 7)

Before I begin my recap, I would like to recognize and congratulate ALL of the NYC Housewives for making it to their 100th episode! And, What a coincidence that tonight's episode was their 100th one and the drama was off the chain! Let me also say... The Bravo Producers and Andy Cohen know how to work behind the curtains! 

We are tuned back in to the Real Housewives Of New York City and everyone is fixing to go to bed, after the Sonja drama and the dinner, except Ramona and Bethenny, who decide to sit outside and discuss on their recent run-in with Sonja. Ramona clarifies the dinner as the most "insane dinner she has ever attended", but Bethenny is not buying it! Ramona admits in her confessional that Her and Bethenny are becoming scared for Sonja, due to her drinking habit and her self-medicating herself. Ramona also says that Her & Bethenny are eager to come up with a plan to help Sonja get off the path of distruction. Ramona asks Bethenny about what happened with Sonja inside during their argument and Bethenny makes it clear that: Yeah, they talked but she didn't get to the root of the issue because she's not a doctor and she's not an alcoholic. Although, Bethenny admits that Sonja got the point that Bethenny was proving! Both of the ladies say that they love Sonja and would do anything to get her on the right path. The Sonja discussion switches to martial issues and Bethenny brings up how everyone has issues in their life and gives an example of Ramona's issues with her ex husband, Mario. Ramona begins to cry about how that particular situation breaks her and Bethenny joins the crying session! But wait... I thought Bethenny said that after last week's episode, There will be no crying coming from her! Welp... She was wrong! Ramona says that she doesn't feel the same without Mario and Bethenny reaches out to hug Ramona, who is crying that she wants to fix the issue so bad. Their heart-felt conversation ends with a laughing but still sad hug!  


The next morning, Carole and Heather are the first ones in the kitchen, watching their chef cook up a breakfast storm and then their doorbell rings and it happens to be A guy named David, who is planned to give all the ladies a calm, cool, and collective Yoga session! The other ladies wake up and come into the kitchen and The ladies tell David to set the Yoga session up on the deck, while looking for Ramona, Sonja and LuAnn. Carole and Heather search and find Luann on the beach and asks her if she wants to do Yoga with the rest. LuAnn says that she's been relaxing all day in the ocean and she'll join. Luann spots David and complements him by calling him 'cute', while wondering where Sonja might be to get a piece of him!

Sonja, holding her tea glass in her hand, walks in Dorinda's room, while the Yoga session begins outside on the deck. Sonja tells Dorinda that the ladies are by the deck and she's happy she stayed inside, although she loves Ramona but Dorinda tells her it's okay not to follow in your bestfriend's footsteps and step back from group sessions sometimes. Sonja begins to explain to Dorinda about Bethenny and how she can't have a normal talk with her, without it coming to blows. Sonja starts mimicking Bethenny's screaming voice, while the other ladies are overhearing and LuAnn doesn't think that the ladies can relax with the yelling. Dorinda says how she has never said 'Shut The F--k up' to anyone like Bethenny has, and Sonja says that Bethenny doesn't really understand the education of talking or manners! Dorinda then says that Sonja needs to stop letting people disrespect her and really start putting her foot down about how she shouldn't be talked to that way, and Dorinda is right! Dorinda states in her confessional now that the other ladies shouldn't feel comfortable giving their opinion about Sonja because 1) She's a big girl and 2) If she wants the help, She'll ask for help. Bingo again, Dorinda! Dorinda is really hitting the nails on the head like no tomorrow! Dorinda also says that Sonja should give Bethenny a taste of her own medicine, about the way she screams at her and return the favor, just to see how she would like it. Dorinda says that the other ladies really don't care about Sonja's drinking problem and how they love to see her drink away, just so they can blabber it off and continue to keep a chart of Sonja's downfalls! Sonja clarifies that the only person that helps her when she's drunk and carries her home is Ramona only! Sonja begins to bash Heather, saying how all she does is talk behind her back, and then with Bethenny, All she does is scream at her. Meanwhile, All of the other ladies are doing Yoga, overhearing this and want to leave the Yoga to hear the drama going down! Dorinda tells Sonja to forget about the past and how Sonja better stand her ground later on, and Sonja is prepared for action! 

The ladies begin to chit-chat in the kitchen and Luann and Sonja both say that Dorinda should be a life-coach, due to her soothing talks and tough love. Meanwhile, Ramona walks in the kitchen with her cute pink bikini top on and lores Sonja to come outside with her. Ramona begins spilling the Tea outside to Sonja about the dinner all the ladies had, before Bethenny and Sonja joined them and Ramona tells Sonja that Bethenny thinks that Sonja is an alcoholic, which sets feisty Sonja off! Sonja says that Bethenny isn't a doctor and only recognizes her when she's partying! Sonja says that she doesn't want to put Ramona in the middle and Ramona tells Sonja that she stuck up for her when her talk with Bethenny was going on about Sonja is going though issues but so are all of the other ladies, mainly Ramona. Bethenny, peeking her head, surfing in the ocean, gets out of the ocean and quickly approaches Ramona and Sonja as they're talking. Bethenny wants to know what's up and Sonja tells her that Ramona told her that She said Sonja had a drinking problem. Bethenny admits to feeling that way, but also sticks the blame on Ramona's hands! Sonja begins to talk out of her ass and says that Ramona doesn't stick up for her a lot because she feels like she's in denial, and Bethenny disagrees at that comment. Bethenny says that Sonja does things at night that normal sober people would not do and Sonja says that everyone does that! Bethenny tells Sonja that almost all of the other ladies feel like Sonja has wanted to snatch their man and Sonja declares that she's NEVER took/stolen someone else's man from another person. 

The conversation continues after break and all three of the ladies' voices start getting louder and louder! Bethenny starts spilling all of the tea that Ramona has spilled behind her back and the common one being is that Sonja needs a wheelchair. LuAnn, hoping to lighten up the mood, tries to give Sonja a plate of eggs, while saying 'eggs' in French but Sonja is not having it and begins to walk away. Bethenny says no one is being straight up about this matter and LuAnn is confused because she just walked up and Bethenny makes it clear that LuAnn is not the discussion. Sonja surprisingly takes the eggs while Ramona starts giving Bethenny some lip about how she wants to have a conversation with Sonja alone, and Bethenny responds: "No one cares!" BOOM! Bethenny then shades Ramona in her confessional that Ramona knows how to slither her way out of some deep-rooted conversations and is good at leaving out stuff that she has said behind Sonja's back, but is quick to air out other people's talking of Sonja! Ramona walks away and Luann, Bethenny and Sonja start loudly-talking, trying hard to get to the root of the problem but Sonja is taking the floor! Sonja says that the ladies are being overdramatic about her drinking and they're acting like she needs someone up her b*tt every minute of the day and Luann says that every night, Sonja is known for passing out and she wants to make sure she's in a bed, and Sonja says: "OH! SUE ME! What about all the sh*t you did in my f*cking house", and that's when Heather walks up and joins the dysfunctional chat outside. Heather, dazzled and confused, begins to question Sonja's hot tempered yelling and all three of the ladies tell her to stop yelling so they can talk normally. Sonja says she's yelling because she's pissed and Heather says she can clearly see that! Sonja says that she's sick of the shot talking behind her back and the only way she found out was from Ramona and Sonja walks away, with the following of Heather. Sonja starts yelling again, telling Heather how she's sick of the shit talking from Her and Bethenny, and Bethenny and LuAnn come strolling up behind, listening to what's going down. Heather tells Sonja to go in the pool and calm the f*ck down and that all the woman in the house care about her but Sonja is calling bull*hit on all Heather's talking! Sonja says that nobody should be talking behind her back if everyone cares about her like She says they do and Heather declares that Sonja is no angel! Heather asks Sonja why can't she have a normal conversation and Sonja says: She is trying to and then the infamous trailer line: NICE DOESN'T WORK WITH PEOPLE, and Bethenny walks toward Sonja and tries to smooth talk her. Sonja says that she's sick of the bullshit and that she's not going out with them and Bethenny walks away from Sonja, while Dorinda sits on a beach-chair next to Sonja, and tells Her to relax because she has already got herpoint across and no more needs to added.  Heather, Luann, Carole and Bethenny continue talking about Sonja and her wicked moods and drinking mess and Dorinda overhears them speaking and wants to know what was said. Bethenny says that she feels like not everyone needs to be taking home like Sonja does and Dorinda says she has to be careful about drinking and Sonja continues to start yelling! Bethenny puts Sonja in her place about how everything is not about her because everyone else is dealing/Has dealt with personal issues and Sonja's debt issue is not their problem and it's not an "All about Me" day. Sonja tells all of the ladies to go f*ck themselves and The ladies all go inside. 

Meanwhile inside, Luann, Heather and Bethenny all agree that Sonja is very un-reasonable and there's no getting through to her, while Ramona and Sonja begin talking in their room about how Bethenny's wording came out really harsh, and mainly offended Sonja because she happens to be a Buisness woman and doesn't like the rude knock-downs. Ramona says that Bethenny is a very strong force, Meanwhile downstairs, Heather beings to say that Sonja needs to cut the drinking out when she's around them and Bethenny feels like Sonja should do whatever she wants. Bethenny then comes up with a major deal! She makes a pack with Heather, LuAnn and Carole about how NOBODY is allowed anymore to comment on Sonja's drinking and if they do, They will have to pay 100$ and Bethenny picks the charity! Haha love it! Bethenny says in her confessional that all of the ladies, including her, need to find a new hobby because no matter which why they slice/cut it, Situations always come back to talking about Sonja Morgan! Heather starts blabbing about Sonja  AFTER the pact and LuAnn squeals to Bethenny and Bethenny says that Heather better shut her pie-hole or else she pays up and as Heather comes close to the kitchen table, Carole asks how about what Luann and Her were talking about outside and Heather says it was about a threesome! Bethenny cuts her off and says that she needs to pay 300$ now and Heather says she'll pay everything, Meanwhile, Luann comes around and puts 100$ in a metal can for Heather and Bethenny declares that it's done! Bethenny, Kristen, Heather, Dorinda, LuAnn and Carole sit at the kitchen table and Dorinda tells the ladies that Sonja may not be going on the boat that they're shortly going on, which is fine with all the ladies! Ramona confronts all six of the ladies at the table and tells them that they're all titled to their opinion but she honestly feels like Sonja was ambushed and Bethenny immediately comes back with a comeback and says: "You stirred the pot! You literally said it 100 times and it's your fault for telling Sonja in the first place!" . Ramona says that She only told Sonja, as for being a good friend because she needs to know what people are saying about her and Heather tells Ramona that she should tell Sonja what she said behind her back, which she did and then Ramona leaves the table. Luann begins to have doubts about going on the boat, while Heather is excited to get out of this mayhem of a house, and Bethenny says she feels bad that Sonja is going to be M.I.A whole everyone else is on the boat! 

All of the ladies, except Sonja, arrive on the boat and immediately LuAnn notices she didn't put any underwear on. The conversation again turns to Sonja and Bethenny says how no one loves a Boat/Yacht more then Sonja and LuAnn blames Ramona for creating the Sonja sh*t storm! Ramona says she doesn't care, Meanwhile, Sonja is at home, cleaning up and Ramona begins kissing ass to LuAnn so she doesn't become more angry at her for starting the drama. LuAnn thinks the ladies should send Sonja a group chat, inviting her to come to the boat, while Sonja is at home, looking peaceful, working out! All of the ladies begin eating a nice meal and then jump in the pool! Kristen and Bethenny being talking about life and start off with a cheers! Bethenny is being more open and nurturing, according to Kristen, who is happy to see Bethenny open her walls and not keep them standing! then Kristen comes up with a marvelous plan to do the Ice-Bucket challenge on Ramona, who is sitting peaceful downstairs talking on the phone! All of the ladies are into it but need to get Carole to lore Ramona in over the railing of the boat! Carole and Ramona begin talking about who Ramona was on the phone with and it happened to be Averey and all of a sudden, Heather dumps the ice Bucket on Ramona and Ramona and Carole happily scream/laugh, while all of the other ladies promise to stick together as they all had done it and then Ramona comes upstairs the boat and Bethenny reveals that she's not mad at Ramona anymore because she's down with the fam and being very fun now! Bethenny also reveals that she heard Sonja wants to do a "premiere" (not knowing what it is) and Ramona tells her that it's maybe inviting 10 guys over and the ladies become shocked... Luann says in her confessional that the ladies shouldn't judge without fully knowing, Bethenny says that Sonja should re-name the Turks and Cacios, The Turks of 'Cock-iOS, and then Heather and LuAnn make a pact with everyone about what happens in the T And C's stays there! The ladies leave the boat, begin to leave and Luann and Bethenny recognize a cute boy, and start chatting with him and LuAnn starts speaking in a French accent! The ladies arrive home and notice one of the cars' that the ladies had drove in, caught a flat tire but it's no big deal because where they're going later tonight, is walking-distance. 

Back at the house, Bethenny and Heather start getting back massages and start talking about the first time they met each-other and Bethenny declares in the confessional that they're friends but in the beginning, She was annoying but that's the way she was since she was born.... SHAAAAAAAAAAAADE! 

The ladies are getting dressed to go out and Sonja begins questioning Bethenny and Ramona about what happened on the boat and Both don't share no details just to keep the peace and Sonja begins to go off about how she doesn't want to be on a boat, and then listen to them talk sh*t and just to shut her up, Ramona hugs her and goes downstairs to wait for her. All the ladies wait outside for Sonja to get dressed and everyone is viewing everyone else's outfits and everyone looked stunning! Ramona and Dorinda just want to get to the restaurant on time, while the others are dressed but wanna sit around and drink! Kristen and Sonja ride with Dorinda and Ramona, while Heather, Bethenny, Carole and LuAnn ride together and they all meet each-other at the same time. Dorinda calls Heather's name to see if she will wait for her to catch up, and Heather says 'Yes' but Dorinda doesn't hear it and gets upset with Heather, begins crying, calls her a b*tch, and walks inside and says she's not a child, so Heather fires back and says: "Then, Don't act like one!" BOOM BOOM BOOM! Heather and Dorinda make up and the table and Heather calls Dorinda a "gangster". Dorinda says in her confessional that it's so tiring and draining being around all of the woman, constantly arguing and she was the middle! The ladies' room comes and Heather/Ramona being talking about husband issues. Ramona says that Herself & Heather are very strong women, more then their husbands, despite all their issues and Ramona says that Heather needs to make her husband feel like a baby, because Men are like baby because they need attention and then Dorinda sits down on Heather's chair and says that Ramona NEVER gave up on Mario and they were the hottest couple ever, which leads Ramona to tears but Dorinda and Heather cheer her up and then, As soon as you know it, All of the ladies start talking marriage related issues and Ramona says she's experiencing Post Dramatic Stress Disorder from all the stress being brought into her life and Ramona says that it's mainly caused by Mario and all of the ladies cheers to love works in a marriage! 

The next morning, Bethenny is cooking breakfast, meanwhile Sonja and Ramona come downstairs and turn into Gods, begging Bethenny to come with them out to "Boggoloos" for lunch but Bethenny doesn't want to and Bethenny says, in her confessional that she's sick of Sonja and Ramona being so controlling and there's a sense of entitlement on both their parts. Ramona and Sonja try to get the others in but Kristen wants to make sure Bethenny is Okay with them leaving. Sonja and Ramona walk in, and Bethenny walks outside, trying to avoid them but faces them anyway. Bethenny tells both, Ramona and Sonja to their faces that she's sick of them controlling everything and Ramona's name just be: JUST ME! Bethenny also says that she's sick of turning everything into a therapy session, even turning a lunch into a therapy session... And that's where the episode cuts off! 

To Be Continued! Will Ramona & Sonja convince the ladies to ditch Bethenny's cooked lunch or no?! 

Next week, The Turks and Cacios trip continues.... Wow. I think I've had enough of the drama! *Winks* Maybe not! Until next week, Y'all! 

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