
Monday, June 29, 2015

RHOC: (Season 10), Episode 4 Recap: "Charity Case"

Tonight's episode of The Real Housewives Of Orange County starts off with the continuation of the Mehgan & Shannon Beador showdown at the Bello's house and it's also their last night in Napa. Shannon walks away after she tells Mehgan: "Don't try to paint me out to be un-charitable", and then Heather walks in, dazzled and confused. Mehgan explains to Heather about the phone call and how Shannon thinks that she's making her look bad, which is not the case at all. Heather says that this is another 'Shannon moment' and it takes her back to the craziness that happened at Lizzie's beach party last year! Heather says she's going to go calm down Shannon, which seems totally fine to Mehgan.Meanwhile, Mehgan goes over to talk to Tamra and Lizzie about the incident and Tamra feels like it's something deeper then what is being discussed to Shannon. Tamra also says that something is really weird with Shannon's recent outburst of behavior. Heather goes and finds Shannon, in the bathroom, tries to comfort her but then Shannon starts breaking down, claiming that she just got ambushed and it's not fair. Heather says how she doesn't understand how a talk about a charity phone call can turn into a breakdown. Shannon walks out and abruptly walks past Eddie and Terry, but stops to say hi to Eddie, which leads David and the others to drink. 

Mehgan walks up to Her husband and tells him about Shannon's storm off, which leads Mehgan to say how she's not happy about what just happened and she doesn't understand why this mis-understanding is happening right in the Bello's home! Shannon, Tamra, Lizzie, and Katie sit on the couch and Shannon says that she just had to recover and she's fine, as a response to Lizzie. Mehgan joins the ladies and sits beneath Shannon and apologizes if anything she said, went out of content. Shannon says that she felt Meghan was being very being and rude, trying to paint her out to be un-charitable and says how she bends over backwards for friends, which then Meghan mumbles in a snarky way, saying how Shannon didn't give off a really nice-girl impression! Meghan asks Shannon how she can be such a good person and friend to others, but hasn't responded to a single text message from Her! Round 2: Beador vs Edmonds.... Again! Heather joins the ladies, while Shannon and Meghan continue to argue. Shannon says how she was offended by Meghan's delivery on how someone gave her her private cellphone number, which makes Meghan rudily says "Congrata-fucking-Lations", and then says in the confessional how Shannon needs to stop acting like the Queen of England! Shannon turns her head to Tamra, which then Meghan declares that she turns her head to her direction. Finally, Shannon and Meghan finally make amends and apologize for hurting each-other, promise they'll both be by each-other next time and everyone leaves the Bello's home!

Vicki arrives home from Florida and greatly arrives to a happy Brooks! Vicki admits that she feels guilty not being there for Brooks as much as she can but she does also admit that Vicki's Mom has been telling Briana to let Vicki be happy with whoever she's dating, which then Vicki says she has hope for Brooks and Briana amending ships. Brooks begins to say how he's still going through the chemo process but he has heard that shooting coffee up your butthole will help the cancer die quicker, but Vicki doesn't really agree with it but she tells Brooks she loves him and loves her coffee in her mouth, not her butthole. 

We are fully back with Meghan and she's chatting with her assistant and claims she's the best with secrets, jobs, and everything in between! Meghan invites charity ladies over her house, to introduce herself to the real OC and the party she's throwing over charity, which Meghan reveals that she's more of a socialite then Jim. Meghan then says how their house closes very soon and their rental is up in 4 months, and their move will be very hard but she wants to get out of the house that Jim and his Ex Wife moved into so she can make a name for herself on her own journey with her own house! 

Meanwhile, Heather meets up with their new house-decorator (In their new house) and they're discussing the re-creation of their new house and where Heather would like certain stuff placed in. To be honest, I see Heather's new house becoming a real fancyyyy one! The money amount for the check for the house was insane! 25,000?! Geez Louise! Heather also wishes Terry was there a lot of the time but his time is all toward his work, which is a good thing! 

Vicki meets up with Tamra and later-Shannon to chit-chat about life in the OC. Vicki says it's great being a grandma, and Tamra says she isn't a grandma yet but Sarah has been going back and forth to the hospital, experiencing contractions here and there. Tamra says in her confessional how she can't wait to see what it's like having a grand-baby and she's heard some many wonderful things about being a grandma! Then, Shannon Beador arrives! Shannon begins to ruin the mood about asking who got invited to Meghan's charity party and both Vicki and Tamra did, but then Tamra confirms that Meghan purposely disinvited Shannon, which then Bravo shows a clip on how earlier in the day, Heather, Tamra and Katie were talking to Meghan on the phone and Meghan told them that she disinvited Shannon. Shannon starts getting loud and getting upset about not being invited to her house for charity, because she really picked out a dress and wine for Meghan's party but now she needs to cancel. Vicki says if Shannon's not going, She's not going because of their really close bond of friendship. 

Heather arrives at Meghan's house to talk about Mehgan's house move and Napa. Heather gets right into it and how Meghan disinviting Shannon to her charity party, will turn things into DEFCON 4. Mehgan says how she only 
Disinvited Shannon was because she's avoiding a problem that could probably happen at her party.

Vicki & Tamra are hanging at Vicki's house and Vicki tells Tamra that she needs to let Meghan know that she's not coming to her charity party and that she's going to dinner with Shannon. Tamra thinks it's a kinda risky ordeal move but Vicki decides anyways to call up Meghan, just to let her know and ask her if she will be offended. Meanwhile at Meghan's, She's getting glammed up for the charity people, while having people bring some many luxurious furniture and stuff in for the party. She then gets a call from Vicki and then the TV splits and goes back and forth to both ends. Vicki then tells Meghan that she doesn't want problems and doesn't want to get in-between Her & Shannon's issue but she tells Meghan that since Shannon was disinvited to the charity, She doesn't want Shannon feeling left out so she's going out to dinner with her to make her feel better. She also tells Mehgan that Shannon was already hair and makeup done and now she's bummed that she's not coming but Mehgan understands and the phone call leaves off on a good note! Back at Mehgan's, She starts telling her assistant and hair-doer that she doesn't understand why Shannon would get all dolled up when she wasn't even invited by anybody, and that Mehgan says that she doesn't want Shannon in her house, of course due to the napa showdown. 

It's finally Meghan's charity party and she hopes to make waves in the OC and really change lives. Mehgan has her sister and husband by her side, which makes her less nervous then the whole charity turn out being! The party starts kicking off high and the guests start rolling in! The First Lady to arrive is Tamra, who comes solo. Mehgan confronts Tamra about how she doesn't want to come across snotty but she had a feeling Tamra wouldn't have made it, which Tamra classifies Meghan as being a mean-girl to Shannon but great to her and says how being a mean girl never gets you far. Meghan says how she would like to squash the Shannon beef but at the right time because she's not a mean girl. Tamra then meets Haley's stepmom, Leann, and Meghan admits that Leann's colon cancer is not really panning out in a good outcome! Heather and Terry roll in and begin to talk about the fabulous house from the outside but they say it's a shame that they're selling it. 

Meanwhile, Tamra, Lizzie and Katie begin talking and Lizzie begins to wonder where Shannon and Vicki are. Tamra tells both of them that Shannon wasn't invited due to Napa and Vicki sided along with Shannon, as a kind way of friendship. Lizzie says that that's dumb because she doesn't think Shannon would've caused trouble at a charity party. 

Shannon rolls up on Vicki at the bar and sees that Vicki already has a cocktail. Vicki tells Shannon that she had called Meghan to tell her she wasn't coming to the charity, as a good friend to Shannon. Vicki admits that she'd rather be hanging with Shannon, then a "stuffy" charity. Shannon starts crying, stating how she has no idea what she did wrong to deserve the harsh treatment that Mehgan has thrown her way. Meanwhile while cutting scenes between both Mehgan's party and Vicki and Shannon's bar meet up, The episode switches to Mehgan, who is doing a speech about people who have cancer and how this charity will improve it. Mehgan says she's honored to have many people here and it's a great support for her. Meanwhile, Heather pulls Tamra aside and begin talking about Vicki and Shannon's no-show and Tamra says that Vicki's conversation with Mehgan turned out good and then Mehgan walks up. Mehgan assumes that the ladies are tallking about Her issue with Shannon, which they're and Mehgan says how she doesn't want gossip around her and she just wants to dead the Shannon beef for the 155,000th time! Back at the bar, Shannon says how when she was 30, she never always thought she was right and Vicki says that Mehgan is prissy that way is because she has a cash-crop: Jim, basically stating that she's so prissy and acts like she has to best life because she gets Jim's money! Lizzie then calls Shannon and Lizzie says how she'll come see both Vicki and Shannon, while They both begin to take more shots. Lizzie tells Katie, Tamra, and Heather that she's going to meet Vicki and Shannon. Tamra then texts Vicki and tells them she's coming! Tamra and Lizzie tells Mehgan that they're leaving the party and Mehgan has no hard feelings! They both hug Mehgan anddddd off they go to meet the #Shannicki team! 

Last in the episode, Tamra, Lizzie, and Christian, Lizzie's husband, meet Shannon and Vicki and are ready to party it up and take some shots! Meanwhile, Mehgan is happy about her charity party and is happy that she has made her mark on the OC! All of the ladies + Christian take a shot and cheers to how it's not cool being left out and Vicki leaves the episode off with a 'WOOHOO!'

Next week looks really explosive! 

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