
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Big Brother 17: Cast members + Bios! Season 17 Premieres tonight on CBS! 2 Night Premiere event!

Tonight is the night! Big Brother 17 premieres tonight on CBS and with that, A first-time coming transgender houseguest, Audrey Middleton will be shaking up the house! Meanwhile, There are 14 houseguests this season and I'm about to introduce them to you with pictures and small bios! 

Meet the cast: 

Audrey Middleton25-year-old digital media consultant from Villa Rica, Georgia! She's also transgender! 

Austin Matelson: A 30 Year old Wrestler. His hometown is in California but his Current City is Woodland Hills! 

Becky Burgess: A 26-year-old retail manager from Denver, whose hometown is Denver and where she's currently residing! 

Clay Honeycutt: An 23-year-old graduate student from a small town in Texas! He currently resides in Texas as well! 

Da'vonte Rogers, Age 27, is a poker dealer, living in LA (her hometown is Inglewood, Cali) and she's a single mother! She is also a HUGE fan of the show! 

Jace Agolli, A 23-year-old personal trainer living in Venice Beach, CA and whose hometown is Georgia (Born and raised). Jace surfboards, skateboards & snowboards as his profession and wants to be like Indian Jones

James Huling: A 30 year old- Armed force veteran and now a retail associate! His hometown is Sumter, South Carolina, but his Current city is: Wichita Falls, Texas! James spent the first part of his life being raised in a boys’ home in South Carolina after his mother passed away from cancer and his father was unable to care for him! In his teen years, He was adopted by a Caucasian family and called them 'mom' and 'dad' ever since! 

Jason Roy: Another Big Brother super-fan, who is a 25-year-old supermarket cashier and resides and was raised and born in Massachusetts! 

John McGuire, AKA the 'rockstar dentist' is obviously a dentist and likes playing guitars & other musical instrumentals. He says that he's loud and obnoxious, and can't compare himself to any other dentist he knows! McGuire is 27 years old, and is used to Pennsylvania, where he resides as of now and where he was born and raised! He also claims to be the 3rd biggest superfan out of the other 2 houseguests that are: Davonte & Jason

Liz Nolan, a 23-year-old marketing coordinator that resides in Miami! She also graduated and claims that her pretty face shouldn't fool us! She was also born and raised in Miami

Meg Maley, a 25-year-old server from NYC that was born in New Jersey and worked her way up to NYC! She considers herself a 'cute blonde' and says that the guys always get attracted to her, even Gays attract to her! Mainly because of her prissy-sassy attitude! 

Shelli Poole: 33-year-old interior designer from Atlanta, and she's the oldest out of the entire houseguests! She got married at 28 but then found herself, divorced and single! I think in going to like her! 

Steve Mosses, A 22-year-old mechanical engineering student at Cornell University is often compared to Sheldon from “The Big Bang Theory,” doesn’t plan to reveal he’s so smart. He says he wants a challenge but he really likes playing childish, can compete easy games! His Hometown and current reside is Governur, New York! 

Vanessa Ruoso: is a 32-year-old poker player and no doubt... She's really competitive and is willing to bring that into the Big Brother house! Her hometown is Las Vagas, and she also resides in Las Vegas! 

Well, there you have it Big Brother fans! All 14 Houseguests' bios and pictures! Tune in tonight at 8/7c and tomorrow at 8/7c on CBS for the two night premiere of Season 17! I'm ready! Are you?! 

P.S - Expect the Unexpected! 

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