
Saturday, June 6, 2015

LuAnn De Lesseps thinks Heather Thompson "Should Know When To Quit!"

In this past episode of The Real Housewives Of New York, We've seen all the ladies gather together & go to rookie-Dorinda Medley's Birthday in the Berkshires! In the midst of the fun laughs & talks, There were meltdowns & showdowns in the play too! One being: Heather Thompson vs. Bethenny Frankel at the actual Birthday Dinner! It all started because Heather kept trying to help Bethenny and get her to eat, but she was good. Once Heather kept being too on her, Bethenny broke down because she doesn't like "attention" at all. But there's still a part 2 next week of the RHONY birthday bash. 

Countess LuAnn took to her blog, stating her opinion of the highs & lows of the Berkshires adventure. 

The first thing she stated in her blog that she was flattered how Dorinda shared moments about her & her father!: 

She said: 

I was really moved when Dorinda shared with us that her father built the stone foundation of her Berkshire manse while working as a mason then fixed the telephones once it was built. When her late husband bought the home for her and she invited her father to the house, he reflexively began walking to the back door (where as “help” he entered in the past) and Dorinda told him, "Daddy, this is my house, and now you enter through the front door!” Her father, like my father who was a builder, believed that a good life is built one brick at a time and that a person’s character begins with a solid foundation. I’m sure Dorinda’s father is very proud of her and enjoys the house when he visits as he deserves to. How poignant is this story?

Next, she talked about riding in the car w/ Ramona after their little spat at Petroressian dinner. 

She said: 

The Berkshires in the winter is gorgeous, and Dorinda’s home is as vibrant as her personality. I took a car from New York with Ramona, and I have to admit, it wasn’t all that bad! We’ve been through so much together that when we have a tiff, it’s more of a fender bender than a 95-car pileup. Boy, have things changed! I think Ramona enjoys her business partner’s company and that is why she invited him to Dorinda’s party, yet I don’t feel like she’s completely moved on from Mario--they aren’t even divorced yet. They’ve been married for so long that it’s going to take time before she feels comfortable in the dating scene.

She went on & talked about how Kristen Taekman shouldn't have brought up John, as soon as Dorinda walked in the other room w/ Ramona

She said:

Is Kristen nuts bringing up how she feels about John with Dorinda? You can see in the flashback video that Kristen was getting her groove on with John and didn’t seem to mind grinding on the dance floor in front of the girls and her husband. Her explanation that shimmying in the back isn’t the same as the front seems a little hypocritical to me. John makes Dorinda happy, and she’s opened up her heart to him, so her friends need to accept John for who he is…a kind, sometimes slightly inappropriate man who should heed Dorinda’s warning that these girls are looking to throw him under the bus.

She then went on & talked about Heather's comparison about her nanny  & Bethenny's childhood: 

She said: 

When Heather compared losing her nanny to the struggles Ramona and Bethenny are currently experiencing, the reaction from everyone at the table was of disbelief. Heather tries, she really does, but this time she was way off base, and she should know when to quit. How can you compare the two? On a lighter note, The Red Lion Inn has terrific food, and the story of Jon proposing to Heather there was sweet. They really do make a great couple.

Lastly, she explained how Google can't keep your most personal info private, referring to the information they found that exposed Ramona's friend Peter dated Ramona's Ex Mario's Mistress! She also talked about how she was happy that Bethenny was making an effort to click with the ladies. 

She said: 

It’s hard to hide your past with Google! It’s disconcerting that Peter, Ramona’s plus one for the party, also dated Mario’s mistress. Too close for comfort in my opinion, yet I don’t think Ramona cares, because she enjoys his company and he makes her laugh. I’m certainly not going to mention it to her. 

I was happily surprised that Bethenny took my advice and left her daughter with her nanny to surprise Dorinda for her birthday. It shows that Bethenny is willing to step out of her comfort zone to build new friendships, and I’m glad she made the effort.

Stay tuned for the continuation of the intense Berkshires dinner! Next Tuesday at 9/8c only on Bravo. 

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