
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Real World Skeletons: Second EXCLUSIVE interview with Nicole Zanatta!

            Photo Cred: MTV app

Real World Skeletons' Nicole Zanatta is back for her second interview with yours' truly! In this exclusive second interview, She discussed all the drama from episodes 7-13! 

1) Continued from last: How was the vibe before Violetta's skeleton came?
Nicole: The vibe before V'sskeleton came was on edge. She had an idea that someone was coming and her guess just turned out correct! It was funny. 

2) Who did you instantly click with out of V's skeletons? Tia or Jessica? 
Nicole: Haha actually, I instantly clicked with Tia even though she is so into her namaste, I actually did research when I got back and respect Her more for it! I didn't know anything about it!

3) How did you feel about Bruno's violent rampage w/ Violetta & Sylvia?
Nicole: We all had our fights. Although, I was neutral the whole time as much as people want to say I was with Bruno. I grew close to him definitely! However, There was never a time I didn't talk to Bruno one on one. That just didn't make the cut! I don't agree with violence & I never will! It doesn't matter who or what you are, it doesn't solve anything!! 

4) How did you feel when Tony was hitting on Jessica? 
Nicole: That's my boy, I was sooo jealous! That's Tony he's a flirt, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

5) Do you think it was a good idea even with him & Madison close to making it official? 
Nicole: Of course it wasn't the smartest move but who am I to judge on someones relationship? Regardless at the end of the day, they both knew how they are! It's up to them if they can make it work or not. 

6) How did you feel when Briah moved in the house, right after Bruno had his blowup with Violetta?
Nicole: Ahhh I felt as if: "this could turn out very well or very toxic"! 

7) How did you feel about Briah moving into the house? 
Nicole: We're both scorpios, enough said. We got extremely close & we still are! He's a great person with a huge heart & he definitely knows how to have fun! 

8) How did you feel when your sisters entered the house, & how did you feel when they had to leave? 
Nicole: My sisters mean the world to me, it was like I was home again. There is no better feeling than seeing the people that make you smile! In more words, it warmed my heart! 

9) How did you feel when Bruno went crazy on the entire house in the limo =+ house?
Nicole: No comment! It wasn't the best way to handle things but since there is no reunion, there is nothing we can do to explain it deeper from what y'all saw. 

10) How did you feel when Madison's EX moved in & him & Tony clashed a little?
Nicole: The clash didn't count because it was all in jokes & fun. 

11) How did you feel when Jason told you the news that Baby Taylor was born?! 
Nicole: When I heard about it I was ecstatic! I was working so I couldn't be there but I knew it was the proudest moment of his life when he was able to hold her in his arms. I wish I was there for it! 

12) How did it all come about with the whole Tony stealing the bottle in the club which lead to the physical dispute because you & Jason?
Nicole: We're family, regardless how everyone else's feelings pertain to this question is on them. I felt that if one person did something wrong, We all did it! If one went to jail, We would all sitting in the ceil together. That's how it was in my eyes. The fact that it lead to that hurt, Jason was on a different level. He was the brother I never had the one that knew everything about Me and the one I knew everything about.

13) How did you feel leaving the next day, after the big commotion?
Nicole: It was sad you know, I had to leave 6 people I lived with for 3 months. Yeah, we had our ups and downs but at the end of the day I cherished every single moment in that house! 

14) Was there anyone imparticular that you would miss the most?
Nicole: Every roommate left an imprint on me, some more than others! At the end of the day,  I formed a bond with every single one of them.

15) How did you feel about Bruno not saying bye to everyone?
Nicole: I knew I would miss them all but I made a strong connection with Bruno. I consider him an amazing and best friend even now.

16) Can you shed some light on why there is not a reunion? 
Nicole: I honestly wish I could but that's something MTV hasn't even enclosed with us! 

17) What are up to now that the show has been over?
Nicole: I'm back to the Real World: New York, still working, keeping busy & doing me! :) 

18) What's next for you in the future? 
Nicole: I want to say I like living in the present so I really don't know what the future will bring. Overall, I'm blessed if I wake up the next day, only time will tell. 

19) Who do you still keep in touch with as of now?
Nicole: Mainly everybody but Bruno the most! 

20) Would you ever do a Challenge?
Nicole: If the timing is right then yes but I would love to live in the Challenge house with different personalities! That would be fun as well! 

21) Last question: What is your motto in life to keep going & never give up? 
Nicole: My motto in life is don't take anything for granted! Cherish every moment with the people you love. Live the life you want to live. People always say I was brought up with this or that but the truth is you're the creator of your own story & YOU choose which path to go or what road to take if you don't like it change it.

Follow Nicole on Instagram & Twitter for exclusive updates! 

@N_ZanattaMTV ---- Instagram 
@N_ZanattaMTV ---- Twitter 

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